Managing Anger

Many of us have been taught by parents, teachers and society that anger in any shape is bad. This is not true. Anger is a normal emotion like joy, love or sadness. In fact, when we learn to identify the feelings that arise when we are feeling angry we have access to an early warning system that something is wrong or that we have a 'no' about something we are experiencing. Because so many of us associate angry feelings with being out of control or violent behaviour, we tend to squash our anger for fear that we will become an angry person or lose control.

Anger hides in and behind many different behaviours; anxiety, self harming, withdrawing, sulking, blaming, crying and even gossip to name a few.

Therapy with me will help you understand your relationship to your anger. When we stop being afraid of our anger, we are able to harness the information it contains and find constructive and appropriate ways of using and expressing it.